
Self Mastery Through Conscious Autosuggestion

Writer: Welz, Karl Hans
Source: HSCTI

When someone uses words that boost your confidence, surpass your fears and get you to do the unthinkable, you have been “pep-talked”. This approach of motivating someone and soothing their nervousness is widely known and is used successfully by all sorts of people – from sportsmen, to students, businessmen and public speakers. But did you know that you can also pep-talk yourself? Yes you can! Autosuggestion is a self-inflicted pep-talk that focuses your mind on specific situations in the future by creating visions of success.

[pdf-embedder url=”/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/ACFrOgA00iqRRimp7eRUf2vMzMuDfRKyxs4X0QDWcGQuWSMryxruw91xDtDubzeuHuREM77rQzjvJQlgmF-M1IRenzGJE7nc7aWaOu4X0h1AvPFJVY-zrwejvr_vdLM.pdf” title=”A practical guide in six easy steps”]

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