SonicTonic for

Corporate Health

For a Healthy and Productive Workforce


Increase Motivation

Sleep Better

Improve health

Make Changes

Reduce Stress

Boost Learning


Increase Motivation

Sleep Better

Improve health

Make Changes

Boost Learning

Reduce Stress

Money spent on corporate health should not be seen as a cost, but as an investment.

Studies show that for every dollar spent on corporate health, employers receive between $2.71 and $6.00 back.*

Healthy Means Productive

It’s a well-known fact that a healthy workforce is a productive one and a lot of companies are taking steps to look after the health of their workers.

Some employers are providing massages or gym memberships to keep their workers fit, but what about their minds?

Award Winning Innovation
– Better Sound Award 2017

A healthy mind lives in a healthy body.

These days, our lives are filled with more stress and pressure than ever before. This often leads to disturbances such as worry, feeling nervous, problems with sleep, and even depressive episodes leading to burnout.

Lost Working Days

In recent years, at least 7% of the population have suffered from some form of mind-related illness.

Even though a lot of these cases don’t require labor and cost intensive medical care, they are still responsible for an alarming 13.4% of lost working days.

Introducing SonicTonic

SonicTonic uses Receptive Sound Therapy to positively influence the way we think, feel and act. Employees listen to “Tonics” on headphones to ensure good mental health. The average usage time is only 10 minutes per session.

As well as giving the user a positive feeling of being in control, SonicTonic is an active and continuous measure that can prevent potentially debilitating psychological problems.

SonicTonic provides a big step towards a healthier and more motivated workforce

A Healthy Mind

SonicTonic is an important tool for mental hygiene. It can be used to sharpen focus and to mentally prepare for meetings and presentations. Or to relieve stress and get a good nights sleep before a big day – there are Tonics for that too!

SonicTonic can boost concentration and resilience. It also provides help to improve sleep, cope with anxiety and depression, and much more.

It is easy and fun to use and, because it’s an app, it’s available anytime and anywhere. It’s perfect for making good use of downtime, such as when waiting or traveling: a good alternative to checking social media.

The Ingredients

Some of the techniques used in SonicTonic

Not everyone wants to know the nuts and bolts of how things work: “I just want to flip the switch and the light should go on”, said one user. But for those of you who are interested, here are the basics – very briefly: The SonicTonic method is called Receptive Sound Therapy (ReST). It takes existing auditory therapeutic methods and blends them together to make effective interventions. It combines Brainwave Entrainment and Brain Hemisphere synchronization techniques (such as ASMR, Isochronic Tones and Binaural Beats), with Solfeggio Harmonics and other frequency-based methods, autosuggestion and positive affirmations – and of course, music!

How it works

Some of the techniques used in SonicTonic

Binaural Beats


Isochronic Tones



Solfeggio Harmonics

Not everyone wants to know the nuts and bolts of how things work: “I just want to flip the switch and the light should go on”, said one user. But for those of you who are interested, here are the basics – very briefly: The SonicTonic method is called Receptive Sound Therapy (ReST). It takes existing auditory therapeutic methods and blends them together to make effective interventions. It combines Brainwave Entrainment and Brain Hemisphere synchronization techniques (such as ASMR, Isochronic Tones and Binaural Beats), with Solfeggio Harmonics and other frequency-based methods, autosuggestion and positive affirmations – and of course, music!

The Knowledge Pyramid

For those who would like to know more about Receptive Sound Therapy and the ingredients in SonicTonic, full details are available on our website. You can chose exactly the level of information you want: from basic method descriptions to studies and scientific research documents.

Knowledge_Pyramid (1)

Get Your Own Branded Corporate Health App

We offer a white-label version of SonicTonic that could be used to support the general health and mental well-being of your workforce.
The app can of course be designed in your corporate look and feel. It will have a section containing information about your company which can be regularly updated.
In-app messaging can provide an additional way to stay in contact with your employees and to share news and information.
We would love to tell you about more possibilities —such as it’s use for team-building activities, supporting employer branding, as a CRM tool, and as a help-line.
As well as for your workforce, a branded app could provide a new and interesting way to promote your business. Your existing customers could receive the app as a sign of appreciation, old customers could be reactivated, or the app could be used as an incentive to get new clients.
We can help you to roll-out your app internally – with anything from gentle promotion to celebrating it like a record release!
If you are interested in finding out more, get in touch and we can set up a short presentation. We will provide full access to SonicTonic for you and your team if you’d like to make an evaluation beforehand.
Contact us for more details.