Have You Ever Suffered From Poor Sleep
We’ve all had a bad night’s sleep at least once in our lives and most likely, we were tired the next day, probably irritable and more negative than usual. For those who have, or are suffering from insomnia or some form of disturbed sleep, you know it is no picnic. Sleep deprivation effects can be […]
White Noise for Mental Health
White noise may help improve anxiety! White noise has been found to help with a variety of mental conditions: from anxiety to depression, it can relieve symptoms and provide you with a much deserved break from your emotional turmoil. For Megan Nolan, white noise has been a lifesaver saver! It helped her cope with and […]
How to Stop the Stress that Leads to Burnout
According to the World Health Organisation, burnout is on the rise. We all know someone who has suffered from burnout at some point in their lives. And many of us may have experienced it ourselves. If you or someone you know is showing signs of burnout, then SonicTonic can help, here’s how. In today’s world […]
Mental illness is the leading cause of inability to work among women
With 20.1%, mental illness is the leading cause of inability to work among women. As the DAK health report 2017 shows, psychological diseases present the largest part of the total cases of illness among women. Reasons for that can be biological, such as hormonal effects, psychosocial, for example education or the abundance of roles as […]